Uspomene na detinjstvo i mladost bile su glavna inspiracija Marka Tvena za roman Pustolovine Toma Sojera, čija se radnja odvija u seocetu na obali Misisipija nalik mestu u kome je pisac proveo najranije godine života, Hanibalu u Misuriju, na jugu SAD, gde je u to doba još postojalo ropstvo.
Iako je mnogo vremena prošlo otkako je napisana, 1876, ova knjiga je i dalje vrlo popularna među mladim svetom.
His memories of boyhood and youth were Mark Twain's inspiration for The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, set in a small township on the shores of the Mississippi River, similar to that where the author lived in the earliest years of his life, Hannibal, Missouri, in the south of the United States, where at the time slavery still existed.
In spite of all the time that has passed since it was written in 1876, it is still a popular story with lots of young people.