Mobile Suit Gundam Wing 3 - Katsuyuki Sumizawa

Mobile Suit Gundam Wing 3 - Katsuyuki Sumizawa
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing 3 - Katsuyuki Sumizawa
The Gundams have gathered to put a stop to a planned operation to launch MS Tauruses into space from New Edwards Base. Quatre, Trowa and Wufei attack the base without realizing that the operation is a feint. OZ Commander Treize seizes the chance to launch Operation Pleiades with the aim of dismantling the United Earth Sphere Alliance. As the moderate member...
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The Gundams have gathered to put a stop to a planned operation to launch MS Tauruses into space from New Edwards Base. Quatre, Trowa and Wufei attack the base without realizing that the operation is a feint. OZ Commander Treize seizes the chance to launch Operation Pleiades with the aim of dismantling the United Earth Sphere Alliance. As the moderate member




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The Gundams have gathered to put a stop to a planned operation to launch MS Tauruses into space from New Edwards Base. Quatre, Trowa and Wufei attack the base without realizing that the operation is a feint. OZ Commander Treize seizes the chance to launch Operation Pleiades with the aim of dismantling the United Earth Sphere Alliance. As the moderate members of the Alliance attempt to flee New Edwards Base, Heero's Wing Gundam alights...
  • Godina izdanja : 2017.
  • Format : 12.45 x 1.27 x 17.53 cm
  • Povez : Paperback
  • Izdavac : Penguin Random House
  • Autor : Katsuyuki Sumizawa
  • Zanr : Manga, StarWay
  • Broj strana : 200
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing 3 - Katsuyuki Sumizawa