The Interpretation of Dreams is a seminal work of psychological and cultural heritage and probably the most important of Freud s impressive output. Published in 1899 but revised by Freud himself many times, it outlines his theories on the unconscious and dream symbolism. Though largely discredited and superseded by subsequent developments and research, it retains its place as a hugely influential and significant opus. This new deluxe edition uses A.A. Brill s 1913 translation of the third edition, with a new introduction by expert Dr Richard Stevens, who discusses the context, reception, influence, importance and merits or otherwise of Freud s text and Brill s translation truly one of the most influential, if controversial, Great Works that Shape Our World.
- Godina izdanja : 2020.
- Format : 15.2 x 4.4 x 23.5 cm
- Povez : Hardcover
- Izdavac : Flame Tree
- Autor : Sigmund Freud
- Zanr : Classics
- Broj strana : 512